All There is To Know About The TBA Support Program

Held Event – The TBA Support Program It displeased our field staff in Enugu (Nigeria) to know that many pregnant mothers still left the primary health centre we had equipped, for the homes of traditional birth attendants. We had done much to reposition the health centre, yet some women wouldn’t go there. So, our staff READ MORE

The Modular Clinic Initiative-From Moments To Movement!

It has been an exciting couple of months at our modular clinics. Don’t be quick to forget that the modular clinic initiative was born out of the desire to proffer health care to underserved women and children in communities. We have undoubtedly made appreciable progress with integrating modern conventional maternity practice with a traditional institution. READ MORE

Helping Babies Breathe

The failure to initiate and sustain breathing at birth has caused about three-quarters of all intrapartum related deaths in rural areas, with a high risk of neonatal encephalopathy in babies that survive. In response, GEANCO Foundation conducted an intensive 2-day training for TBAs and their trainees in a bid to bridge this knowledge gap. This READ MORE

Echoes Of Hope: The Story Of Chimbuchi

I stayed in an enclosed space for a good number of months, no one came around to disturb my peace and my mother ensured all the necessary nutrients needed for me to thrive was available. From month to month, I got bigger and healthier in there and a growing consciousness made me understand I’d be READ MORE

Baby Chisom Says Hello!

Every Thursday, the pregnant women gather at the lounge of Julia Burke Maternity for their antenatal visits. We all know what happens when two or more women come together: the noise, the shades, the laughter, the gossip, and everything in between. There is always that group whose words will resound all over the place in READ MORE

Happy Easter Celebrations From The GEANCO Foundation

We wish our esteemed sponsors and supporters warm Easter celebrations. This Easter feels just like a good time to remind you how thankful we are for all the help and support you have extended towards us which has empowered us to positively affect lives and communities around us. As you celebrate this holiday, may hope, READ MORE

Yellow Fever Outbreak- The Modular Clinic Response

According to an NCDC report to WHO in November 2020, Enugu State was amongst the five states in Nigeria with the occurrence of multiple deaths as a result of the Yellow fever outbreak. The other four states included Bauchi, Benue, Delta and Ebonyi states. Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected READ MORE

The GEANCO Modular Clinic Initiative In Limelight

The modular clinic initiative is a robust plan to reposition health care delivery to underserved communities by leveraging existing and culturally accepted institutions. Traditional birth attendance is one of such institutions, which our team now leverages on. The Julia Burke Maternity Centre is an efficient hybrid of our ideals of maternal and infant health practice READ MORE

Thank You For All You Do!

We sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude to our indefatigable sponsors and donors. We are thankful for all the sacrifices you have made this year against all odds, to help us serve others. All that we were able to achieve this year 2020 would not have been possible but for your unwavering support and encouragement, and READ MORE

Season’s Greetings!

It is about that time of the year yet again when we make merry and celebrate with loved ones far and wide.  A season of greetings, hugs and reunions. We want to wish our sponsors and supporters all the very best of this season. As we celebrate the joy that comes with the season, let READ MORE