Helping Babies Breathe

The failure to initiate and sustain breathing at birth has caused about three-quarters of all intrapartum related deaths in rural areas, with a high risk of neonatal encephalopathy in babies that survive. In response, GEANCO Foundation conducted an intensive 2-day training for TBAs and their trainees in a bid to bridge this knowledge gap.

This Neonatal Resuscitation training was facilitated by Dr Kenechukwu Iloh, a consultant neonatologist, with the aid of manuals produced by the Federal Ministry of Health, to ensure due diligence on procedures peculiar to the course.

The procedure for ‘helping babies breathe” was treated on the first day, with sub-topics like preparation for birth, routine care, and neonatal resuscitation. Each topic culminated into a practical class to improve engagement and knowledge retention, while a pre/post-test was conducted, to assess the level of comprehension.

The second day kicked off with a practical test (OSCE) to ascertain full cognition of knowledge acquired so far, before the topic, “Essential care for every baby” was introduced. Emphasis was on “care for a baby within 90 minutes”, “care for a baby with no danger sign” and “care for a baby with abnormal temperature”.

The training came to an epic end with the presentation of certificates and resuscitation kits to the attendees to ease neonatal resuscitation in their respective facilities. An interview section with the attendees was beautiful to watch, as they recounted nothing but wonderful memories and deep words of gratitude for the GEANCO Foundation.

Thank you for walking with us so far.

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