The GEANCO maternal and infant health programme is targeted at women in underserved communities who have poor access to good healthcare. It includes:

1. Modular maternal clinic network

2. Anemia control

3. Safe obstetrics delivery kit (Mama kit)

4. Training for health workers

5. Health facility inspection and ranking

The Maternal Clinic Network

We convert 40 ft containers into clinics which are donated to TBAs in partnership with registered nurse midwives. The TBA has the cultural appeal that attracts these underserved women while the nurse midwife ensures the implementation of quality standards and processes. Using this TBA – Nurse combination, we have developed a network of maternal clinics independently owned and operated, uniquely meeting the cultural and medical needs of underserved pregnant women.  The clinics are held accountable by GEANCO to uphold the 5 cardinal principles of the network: 

  1. A clean, equipped micro maternal care facility;
  2. operated by trained birth attendants;
  3. observing good management protocols;
  4. held accountable with periodic inspections and
  5. collaborating with healthcare professionals to optimise primary care services to families in the community.

The Anaemia Control Programme

The goal is to identify and treat anemia in pregnant women

  • Currently running in three different hospitals in Enugu.
  • Weekly non- invasive, on-the-spot Hb level, pulse rate, oxygen saturation tests using the Masimo TM pulse oximeter
  • Progressive report of every woman’s Hb test
  • Financial support to cover payments for routine drugs and better dieting.

Obstetrics Delivery Kit (Mama kit) Distribution

The goal is to reduce infection at delivery which accounts for over 70% of maternal mortality.

  • The mama kit contains a complete set of clean supplies and instrument needed for delivery.
  • Distributed consistently to 44 local primary health care facilities
  • We monitor and track the usage of the kits by each health center

Training For Health Workers

The goal is to improve the outcome of deliveries by improving the knowledge and skills of the local health workers in the health centers that benefit from our mama kits. This includes:

  • Safe delivery, infections and bleeding
  • Emergency response protocol during delivery
  • Neonatal resuscitation
  • Postnatal care for infants 
  • Postpartum depression in nursing mothers

Health Centers Inspection And Ranking

The goal is to help the health centers in our network improve their facility performance despite the constraints and poor infrastructure in the system. This includes:

  • Benchmarked inspection checklist for assessment of health centers on hygiene, equipment, medical records (mortality tracking), emergency protocol etc.
  • Ranking of the health workers skill level in each health center
  • Annual awards for top 3 most improved in facility assessment and mortality tracking

Our Impact

Reduction in maternal and infant mortality in health centers in our network:

  • Increase in deliveries at the health center instead of deliveries at home
  • Reduction in infection at delivery
  • Reduction of anemia cases in the anemia programme supported facilities
  • Improved capacity of the local health centers
  • Improved skill set of the local health workers

Healthy Mothers – Happy Babies!